Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Beginning of The End...

Fair and Balanced? I don't think so. And it is time for you all to know the truth. So, for those very resistant friends, all I ask is that you consider the possibility of even just a little bit of what I will share with you could be true. That is all.

My desire is to share with you the facts, as I know them. And I will do my best to remain unbiased, but know this, I am very biased at this point. Things I never imagined possible are not only possible, but have been going on for ages. 

I was blissfully unaware of the storm brewing until the end of December 2017. I was on top of the Wikileaks DNC emails, which included the Clinton and Podesta emails, that on the surface seemed only written poorly and confusing. But once I dug a little deeper, I found a treasure trove of coded language to cover up all kinds of illegal activities. I supported Hillary in her Primary bid back in 2008, so it has been very difficult to discover that a lot of what I believed to be true is literally the absolute opposite. But when it came to her bid for the Presidency this time around so much had happened to destroy her credibility in my mind, that it was definitely time to start talking. 

The problem was, no one was listening anymore. The news covered what they wanted, and they framed it the way they wanted it to be known. Instead of facts and information, suddenly all we were getting was op-eds, not sourced and unverified. News became the basis for fear mongering and allowed a greater control over the country while keeping the important information out of sight.

We have found ourselves, again, in a time when our country is under siege. But our attackers aren't part of some foreign country, they are the leaders and celebrities in our own. With the rise in internet usage, data access and unlimited time to dig, we have uncovered criminal activity and corruption that touches every branch of our government and media, and it goes all the way to the top. 

The 2016 Presidential Campaign not only brought the media frenzy to a never before seen level, but the fake news and carefully crafted stories to only show you bits and pieces out of context to convince others of the "facts" as they wanted you to know them reached new lows. If you are someone who has never bothered to watch a full speech from Donald Trump, you are likely one of the people who think he is racist, sexist, bigoted, etc. That is by design. Watch an entire speech from just one of his campaign stops. I will assure you that, like the State of The Union, many will be shocked and surprised at the content that he shares, his beliefs, and the clear emotional commitment he has made to this country. 

I know it has been said over and over by his supporters how arrogant and selfish he must be to run for president without any previous experience, but maybe those that don't support him should consider a few different ideas: 
IF he is so awful, and he is so hated, why would he put himself through the torture knowing that?
His reputation has been damaged by the non-stop attacks. But he still won. Why?
His family, wife and children have endured endless attacks, even physically, and yet they are all still so committed. Why? 
He didn't need the money. He didn't need the fame. And he didn't need to work another day of his life. Yet he voluntarily decided to run for President, knowing it would be an uphill battle, and endured the abuse. For US. Why?
He has donated his salary, he ran with his own money, not money from dirty donations from special interest groups with "strings". The RNC didn't even support him. Why?

Because they knew that if he won, he would take the corruption down. And he has already started. "Drain the Swamp" wasn't just a catchy slogan, it was what needed to happen.

This fight is not between Democrats and Republicans. This is a fight against good and evil, in its most simple sense.

I understand if you don't like Trump. I didn't either. Until I gave it some actual time and attention. And even then, I was still concerned about his "antics". This is not an attempt to change anyone's mind. This is simply me trying to share a different view. A view from someone who has been aware of the deep corruption and who has tried to talk about it for years.

John Podesta's arrest is imminent, and this will be the beginning of the public awareness shift. There will be unrest, there will be protests and riots, but it will calm down.

Know there is a plan and trust it. Some of the most brilliant military generals and minds are involved in this long standing operation and it is coming along just beautifully.


Share what you know, dig a little deeper, and talk to everyone who will listen. This isn't a violent movement, this isn't anyone trying to incite violence. This is a country of PATRIOTS who know we can do better, and know we deserve better.


You can find me at Gab and Twitter @AnonymousAda
Please share far and wide. The time has come to take what we have learned and make it fly!

The Beginning of The End...

Fair and Balanced? I don't think so. And it is time for you all to know the truth. So, for those very resistant friends, all I ask is t...